Enrolled Agent Exam Bootcamp

Are you overwhelmed by the daunting task of preparing for the Enrolled Agent Exam? Look no further than Brass Tax Presentations’ Enrolled Agent Exam Bootcamp.

Our program is designed to help you master the most crucial topics and become confident in your ability to conquer the exam. Our expert instructors will guide you through each step of the process, providing you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed.

Sign up for our Enrolled Agent Exam Bootcamp today and take the first step toward your professional goals.

What To Expect

Master the most frequently tested topics to maximize your chances of success
Unlock a wealth of knowledge in a fraction of the time, allowing you to learn more efficiently
Conquer test-taking fears with our proven strategies and build unshakeable confidence
Discover powerful memorization tips and tricks that will make retaining information a breeze
Unleash effective test-taking techniques to approach each question strategically and achieve optimal results
Benefit from a small class size, ensuring personalized attention and a supportive learning environment
Immerse yourself in intense instruction and immediately apply what you’ve learned for real-world proficiency

What You Get

Registration fee includes Fast Forward Academy book and customized practice question packet
Textbook will be shipped to you immediately, so you can begin studying!
Class registration fee does NOT include fees to take the tests (You will pay directly to Prometric for test administration)
Live classes run from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Locations & Dates

Part 1


On-demand webinar

Release date: July 10

Part 2


On-demand webinar

Release date: August 5

Part 3

Representation, Practice, and Procedures


Recorded webinar you can view at your convenience

Available June 30

Meet The Instructor

Ryan Reichert, EA, CFP®

Ryan became an EA after attending this training course, so he knows what you are going through. He is a dynamic speaker who presents information in a logical way that helps students retain what they’ve learned. He will make the class time interesting and encourage you to know you can succeed!

Shannon Hall, EA

Shannon Hall, EA, is a tax professional based in Long Beach, CA. Her diverse client base keeps her on the cutting edge of new tax developments. Shannon is a featured speaker for tax societies nationwide and serves on the California Society of Tax Consultants’ board of directors. She was also recently nominated in the Top 50 Women in Accounting for 2023. She holds degrees in both Accounting and Theatre Arts, which aids her in creating captivating and informative tax presentations.

Shannon Hall, EA headshot


Bundle Including All 3 Parts


Part 1 Only


Part 2 Only


Part 3 Only


Fast Forward Academy Book Only


Risk-Free Cancellation Policy

Making plans can be nerve-wracking, especially when it comes to attending important events like seminars or classes. However, we understand the importance of certainty and confidence when planning, so we are thrilled to offer a risk-free cancellation policy.

With our policy, you can rest assured that refunds will be issued two weeks before any registered event (with a small fee for the cost of the Fast Forward Academy book). And if you do happen to wait until the last minute, our on-demand webinar option is available – complete with access to an instructor to answer any questions or concerns you may have.

We are committed to ensuring our attendees earn their EA designation easily and securely.

**To keep the registration cost as low as possible, no refreshments or meals are normally provided with these seminars.**

Success Starts Here


“I enjoyed how you meticulously explained the lectures. I took part 2 first and passed, then part 1, same results.”


“Couldn’t have done it without you. And I keep reminding classmates to use those tactics. They work!!!”


“Your tips and tricks and ways of explaining things (stories) were really good. And it was fun!”


“Using your course, I passed all 3 parts within 9 days!”


Why Trust Brass Tax Presentations?

ctec education provider approved logo

This seminar has been designed to meet the requirements of the California Tax Education Council. This does not constitute an endorsement by the CTEC as to the quality of the course or its contribution to the professional competence of the preparer.

For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaints or refunds, contact Brass Tax at (858) 487-2553.



  • 2024 EA Exam Prep – Part 1 (1008-CE-1181)
  • 2024 EA Exam Prep – Part 2 (1008-CE-1182)
  • 2024 EA Exam Prep – Part 3 (1008-CE-1183)

This course is designed to meet the requirements for 5 hours of federal tax law for Part 1, 5 hours of federal tax law for Part 2, and 2 hours of Ethics for Part 3 for CRTPs and AFSPs. EAs do not receive credit. We have agreed with the Office of the Director of Practice, Internal Revenue Service, to meet the requirements of 31 Code of Federal Regulations, Section 10.6(g), covering maintenance of attendance records, retention of program outlines, qualifications of instructors, and length of class hours. This agreement does not constitute an endorsement by the Director of Practice regarding the program’s quality or contribution to the attendee’s professional competence.

IRS Course Numbers:

  • Part 1 (5 hours)

UD2VU-E-00157-24-I (In person)
UD2VU-E-00157-24-S (Self-study)

  • Part 2 (5 hours)

UD2VU-E-00156-24-I (In person)
UD2VU-E-00156-24-S (Self-study)

  • Part 3 (2 hours ethics)

UD2VU-E-00155-24-S (Self-study)